That's "welcome" in the native language of Okinawa...
This is the web site of the Indianapolis branch of the Ryukyu Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai Beikoku So Honbu. This translates to the Ryukyu Traditional Fighting Methods Preservation and Promotion Society U.S. General Headquarters. Our mission is to preserve and promote the traditional weapon arts of the Ryukyu Islands, now known as Okinawa Prefecture in Japan. Our founder, Taira Shinken, passed this art on to his successor Akamine Eisuke. Akamine Sensei passed it on to his only foreign student, Devorah Yoshiko Dometrich. With her passing, the organization is now under the leadership of Sensei Steve Kabboord. We now work tirelessly to pass Ryukyu kobudo on to the next generation.
To search for the old is to understand the new.
The old, the new, this is a matter of time.
In all things man must have a clear mind.
The Way: Who will pass it on straight and well?
- Funakoshi Gichin